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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Encounters Session 7

Interested in joining an Encounters game?  Read the bottom.  If you want to participate in a group story telling experience, you can catch up on the story in this blog and then come join us Wednesday at 6pm.

As has become tradition for this campaign, let's update our list of names.  For the record I am not listing EVERY name, or we would be here all day.  Just the names that seem to matter for the overall story:

Lady Anya Tamora, Ruler of Crystal Brook
Lord Carric, Ruler of the Sildaine Forest
Count Varis Sybar, Ruler of Sybar
Juliana, daughter of Carric
Orlando, son of Tamora
Caerwyn, inside Juliana, daughter of Oran
Porpherio, inside Orlando, adopted son of Tiandra
Oran, archfey, Green Lord
Tiandra, archfey, Summer Queen
Ragnar, agent of Oran, a verbeeg mercenary
Uma, agent of Tiandra, a briar witch dryad
Soryth, Dream Queen, hag
Kalbon, Soryth's partner in crime?

After questioning Rosaline last week, your party starts by going to visit Oakstaff,a treant who was chjarged with protecting Orlando/Porpherio.  The long winded, and frequently reminiscant Oakstaff, reveals that he as taken Orlando/Porpherio to an enchanted island that is full of magic wards to protect him.  He gives you each a bottle of Rider's Water, that allows you to convert any tiny creature, to a large mountable creature.  He then points you off in the direction of the island.

When you arrive, you find a raft with room for 4 and a large expanse of crystal clear, 8' deep water.  Your party boards, with your pixie member flying.  Brandis grabs the pushing stick with both hands and starts to push your party across the water.  A good ways in, a loud voice sounds from the shore you just left.  As you look back, a pixie with a cloud like face above its head is the source of the sounds.  The face commands the pixie to stop you, but fades as the pixie crosses the water.  The pixie, Ariel, summons 4 water spouts, and creates a large area of tempest hendering your party.

Your party is clever, and decides to spend their move actions, standard actions, and action points, pushing the raft across the water.  A solid plan, except for that the player pixie, Briarthorn, is flying and gets left behind.  Briarthorn's diminutive health is quickly overwhelmed and she falls unconcious into the water.  The remaining party decides to get to the otherside first.  While pushing the raft, Fargrim lasso's an otter that was nearby, pulls him in, then uses his Rider's Water to make him large and mountable.  He hops on the otter, and starts to ride to Briarthorn's rescue.  Simultaneously, Brandis reaches the far shore, and then tuns back to assist with Briarthorn.  He quickly gets in range and heals Briarthorn.  They then make their way swimming and attacking where they can back to the far shore.  Other party members, continue their ranged attacks from the shore.  Once on shore, they take a few more shots, and drop Ariel dead.  After evaluating their position, with several surges gone, most healing spells used, our party wisely continues onto the island leaving the water and its deadly creatures behind.

I will note that I enjoyed DMing this particular session more than any other session I have ever done.  I have hard from a couple of other players that said they also enjoyed this one more than most.

Hope to see you guys this coming Wednesday at 6pm at Morningstar Games on Montgomery Crossroads.  Anyone can come, no preperation needed.

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