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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Session 13 Adventure Notes

Once again, I am dreadfully behind.  Here is quick story summary, just an hour before our next session and the XP details.

The party sends Rhaegar ahead, a Dragonborn to scout Gharash Vren's gang (also a Dragonborn).  He manages to at least delay the action and as the action unfolds, Rhaegar uses his leader abilities to convince several of the foes they would have to fight to instead fight the werewolf escaping its prison.  Impressively, our level 5 party defeated a level 12 encounter.

Our party then makes it into the inner chambers were not even Gharash Vren's gang lingers long.  They find a succubus trapped in a cathedral which they have to fight while simultaneously disarming a trap that summoned demons to fight.  Our party, victorious, at Vryellis's encouragement, finds a trap door and a life force splinter of Vrylellis.  At this Vyrellis, is positively enamored with the party and Jadis, and has become quite helpful.

To finish out the night, the heroes enter the final room before wrapping around back to their destination.  They find that the room was setup quite defensively, for those entering from the other side.  Even so, our party has great difficulty overcoming their foes and somehow end up on the defensive.  With some well timed heals (and revives) our party eventually vanquishes the foes and takes a now much needed long rest before venturing out into the rest of the pyramid.

Session 13: 908 XP - Shava, Yelsha, Rheagar, Jadis, Varis, & Glyth
   Location 12 (G2) - Chamber of Doors: 3450 XP
   Location 13 (G3) - Inner Chambers: 2000 XP
   Location 11 (G1) - Guard Chamber: 2000 XP
Session 13 Total: 5450 XP

Session 12: 466 XP - Shava, Yelsha, Rhaegar, Jadis, Varis, & Glyth
Session 11: 626 XP (this was stated incorrectly last post as Session 10)
Session 10: 225 XP + 362 XP for Doz (this was omited last post)
Session 9: 342 XP
Session 8: 787 XP
Session 7: 524 XP
Session 6: 562 XP
Session 5: 278 XP
Session 4: 432 XP
Session 3: 321 XP
Session 2: 585 XP + 50 XP for Shava and Yelsha
Session 1: 375 XP

Total Adventure XP so far: 6481 XP

Level 6 = 7500 XP

As always, I appreciate player corrections, and feed back from anyone on embellishing the story as it happened, should of happened, or should happen.

Session 14 is planned for TODAY at 4pm.  (June 9th, 2012).  Hope to have these notes posted with a week instead of over a month.

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