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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Second Session of my very own D&D Campaign

Second Session: 
Late in Day 1: You begin during your short rest between the fifth and sixth waves of monsters.  You’ve noted that this looks like a Total Party Kill.  The DM only has to say at this point, “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” 

Arboris and Symion are resting with your party when their stares off into the distance suddenly go cold and they drop to the ground.  They must have had some medical condition as you find them dead on the battle field.   Suddenly, your odds of surviving this contest, bleak to begin with, just got worse.  If only there was some way to replace them…

An elf cleric named Shava, inspired by your bravery and possibly hoping to partake in the spoils, gracefully leaps from the stands and joins the fray.  The sixth wave begins.  A Bloodseeker Drake enters the arena and picks up the scent of an unseen assailant.  As it approaches, a death jump spider leaps out.  Satisfied, at what is smelled, the Bloodseeker Drake picks up the scent of the party and approaches.  Varis becomes bloodied, and in an attempt to step away from the Drake, the BloodSeeker drake took a massive bite out of Varis, dropping him instantly in death.   Glyth sheds tears as she continues the battle around her fallen partner. The death jump spider continued to jump into the party for an attack and then retreat. In the next wave, two bandits and a town guard were fairly easily dispatched.  For the next wave, the court mage cast a complicated spell a raised some of the humans just dispatch from their recent slumber and accidentally summons a much larger creature from the pit trap.  The party dropped the zombies pretty quickly, including the one that was raised still in the pit, and couldn’t climb out.  But they kept reanimating until you hit the bodies once they dropped.  The next wave was a large swarm of Stirge minions that kept pouring out the various portcullises.  Your party was able to dispatch the Stirges practically before they could close the distance to your defensive position in the center of the arena.

Expecting the next wave, you catch your breath.  After a longer than usual pause, the king announces that due to unfortunate circumstances, the next challenge would not be ready today, and that you may rest in the palace guest quarters.  He is also impressed enough that he offers his court healer to attempt to revive Varis.  You gain a long needed restful sleep while being guarded by the palace guards. 

Early Day 2: Refreshed and ready for a battle, you are escorted back to the arena at the crack of dawn.  Along the way, a newly whole Varis rejoins the party with quite an excited and not all-together kid appropriate kiss from Glyth.
As soon as you enter the arena, a frost dragon fledgling is wrangled through the eastern keep with a complicated series of portcullis opens and closes to keep the dragon confined and the guards safe.  You wonder if this extreme caution has something to do with yesterday’s unfortunate accident.
The dragon is chained at each leg with a long length of chain and tries to fly away.  Shava and Yelsha begin hacking at the chain with some success, but the movement of the drago causes numerous misses and slow going as Jadis, Varis, and Glyth try to kill the dragon.  Ultimately one chain is broken just as the dragon is slain by Glyth, Varis, and Jadis.

Gathering your strength as you anticipate your reward for ten rounds well fought and the loss of three comrades, a rope ladder appears over the NW wall.  You are faced with six humanoids who demand from the king a second chance to earn their share of reward by battling these new heroes.  The exchange includes references to the importance of the task requiring the best, and the King agrees.  (These six humanoids were based off of recent Wednesday night Encounters Games)
The battle went well, but our heroes were reluctant to kill the last two remaining combatants, who we learned are named Valanae and Keira.  Keira, an elf rogue is knocked unconscious, and despite pleas from our heroes Valanea, a fey (eladrin) cleric, would not submit, and was killed by a final spell.
At battles end, the king declares our heroes victorious and invites them to a grand feast in their honor.  Keira was awakened, and asked to join the party.  With only a slight hesitation she agreed.  A few spoils of war were found on the battle field, mostly additional weapons and ammo rounding out our heroes’ equipment.  The new and improved larger party headed for the feast.  Keira was stopped at the gate into the castle and not permitted to enter.  The heroes gave her 3 gp and 5 daggers (as she was raided as a spoil of war herself) and asked her to wait at the tavern.

Midday Day 2: The heroes enjoyed a large feast of boarturduckins and upon having their fill, the King slips off into a back room saying he will send you for shortly.  Your party was then engaged in conversation by an old man named Faelwyn.  He was an hero of old himself, and on his last adventure, over a decade ago, he captured the fledgling white dragon you fought in the arena, and retired off of his sale of the dragon to King Hrothgar.    He offered you 1200gp for its return.  He lives in the first house east of the Clothier.

Next, a well dress man named Billani Jobe approaches you.  You find out he is the Guild Master for the Palancia Guild of Commerce.  He challenges you to participate in a wager on dance contest.  Glyth, Varis, and Jadis all fault their excessive eating on bowing out of the contest.  Shava and Yelsha agree to participate for 10gp each.  Billani gathers six other contestants from the halls and the contest ensues.  Shava is eliminated after about 8 rounds and Yelsha after 16 rounds.  (I should note that the only players that participated were not athletic or acrobatic).  Dancer #6 won the competition around round 24.  Shava and Yelsha earned 50XP each for participating.
Before leaving the Great Hall, Bellani whispers to you that if you would like to discuss “commerce” in a more private setting to meet him at his house, the 2nd house east of the Clothier.

                Experience Points:

Encounter 1.6:   350
Encounter 1.7:   400
Encounter 1.8:   375
Encounter 1.9:   300
Encounter 1.10: 500
Encounter 2.0 (Keira’s Party): 1000
Total XP: 2925 divided among 5 characters for 585 XP each.
Encounter 2.1 (Dancing): 50 XP ea to Shava and Yelsha, Shava and Yelsha feel stronger

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