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Friday, December 30, 2011

Encounters Sessions 1-5 The Story So far

This post is to catch us up on the Encounters series of Dungeons & Dragons.  As a reminder, anyone can join us for a D&D session Wednesdays, 6pm-8pm at Morningstar Games on Montgomery Crossroads in Savannah, GA.  No preparation, experience, or knowledge required.  If you like, feel free to comment and we save a seat for you.  I'm usually there by 5pm or so setting up if you want to stop in early.

Name Summary so far:
Lady Anya Tamora, Ruler of Crystal Brook
Lord Carric, Ruler of the Sildaine Forest
Count Varis Sybar, Ruler of Sybar
Juliana, daughter of Carric
Orlando, son of Tamora

After volunteering to help Sybar, he sends you to visit with Tamora and Carric to talk to each.   Between the two you piece together the clues and decide to follow Juliana and Orlando to the Crystal Cave.  Lord Seldaine believe that the Crystal Cave is a crossing into the Feywild.  Once our party passes through the Crystal Cave (and its challenges) they come upon Juliana surrounded by frolicking leprechauns.  She seems confused and lost and also calls herself Caerwyn.

From Caerwyn's confused dialogue, and the leprechans' riddles you discern that Caerwyn also had a lover; his name was Porpherio.  Orlando/Porpherio ran off with some radiant super good looking women when he arrived here.  You are an island in the Feywild sea called Porpherio's garden.  Juliana/Caerwyn requests you take her to see an agent of the archfey.  Caerwyn is the daughter of the Green Lord, Oran (an archfey).  Porpherio was Caerwyn's husband.  They ruled the island together a long time ago and have since "slumbered" here.  A hag named Soryth, the Dream Queen, cast a spell to reawaken them, but were interrupted the Oran's agent Ragnar, and the Summer Queen's, Tiandra's, agent Uma.  Uma is also the adopted mother of Porpherio.  The came as they sensed the slumber of Caerwyn and Porpherio become disrupted.  The interruption caused a problem of its own.  Juliana and Orlando were there as prisoners but escaped during the interruption.

Your party also learned the hag, Soryth, is now staying in the Palace of Spires, which requires a magic key set.  The keys are leaves, one each of shamrock, mistletoe, oak and a rose.  The leprechauns give you a shamrock as you set out to talk to the archfey agents.

You could work with either, but each blames the other for the problems that occurred in interrupting Soryth's spell.  They want to prevent a civil war among them, and enlist you to do a little meddling in the others camp.  You decided to meddle for Ragnar and successfully recruit 2 unicorns in Uma's camp to come with Ragnar. 

And that is where we left off at the end of Session 5.  Session 6 occurred this Wednesday, 12/28/11, and since it is still fresh, I will post that separately shortly.  That will get us all caught up on the story and ready to look ahead to Session 7, the first Wednesday of the new year.  Hope to see you there!

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